Basic EFT® - Level 1:

Thousands of people worldwide have benefited from learning and applying EFT to their most difficult conditions with astounding results.

Learning EFT is easy and fun. Past participants report that their results continue to be long lasting months and years after the workshop. This is the starting point of your EFT education and is the prerequisite for continuing to EFT Level 2 and 3. This workshop does not certify to become an EFT practitioner, but rather teaches the basic tools to gain results for yourself.

Participants report feeling empowered to heal their negative emotions and painful memories and gain the ability to help themself in a very short amount of time. Most go on to take EFT Level 2, where they increase their results many times over.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • Applying EFT to emotional and physical issues
  • Finding and releasing frustrating core issues
  • Releasing negative effects from traumatic memories
  • Reducing cravings to achieve successful weight loss
  • "The Movie Technique" for un-happy memories
  • Borrowing Benefits technique
  • Personal Peace Process

Basic EFT® - Level 1

Global events

Date: contact us for monthly webcast training


Requested Donation

EFT Level One workshop


Call or email for

donation instructions.

We take checks or Visa/Mastercard!



           Our Thanks for


       Y O U R  S U P P O R T



"The EFT level two workshop is the best workshop I have ever done for myself.

EFT has healed my grief, helped me lose weight, and given me hope for my future."

Mary C., R.N. - San Diego,CA


Fundamentals of EFT® - Level 2:

This workshop is geared to increase the effectiveness of the basic EFT tools and includes skills based on Gary Craigs DVD series entitled, "The Palace of Possibilities." Participants increase their confidence and establish a solid foundation of trusting the EFT process.

Topics covered include:

  • Deeper understanding of how our thoughts and feelings came to be using the Palace of Possibilities
  • Empowering our affirmations and releasing our negative thoughts
  • Advanced Tapping Points
  • Embracing new attitudes utilizing the "Choice Method"
  • Chasing the underlying negative emotions (difficult physical cases)
  • The "Movie Technique"
  • Imagine Tapping technique
  •           ...and much more!


Fundamentals of EFT® - Level 2

Global events

Date: contact us for monthly webcast training



Requested Donation

EFT Level Two workshop



Our Thanks for





Advanced EFT® series - Level 3:

The advanced EFT series is an on-going series of workshops to empower your EFT work and take yourself to the next level of conscious healing, personal awakening, and abundance manifestating. This series is only available for participants who have taken both EFT level 1 & 2.


Advanced EFT® Series


Empowering and Manifesting your Goals and Dreams


Global events

Date: contact us for monthly webcast training


Some of the items you will learn from this workshop:

  • Applying EFT to clear blocks to your goals!
  • Setting your goals and the action steps that follow
  • Working with limiting beliefs. The "Success Cube " concept
  • How to better access intuitive information. Our home of origin
  • What to do when you feel stuck with EFT goal action steps

Optional: weekly group support calls with Glen

To help stay on track, we have on-going weekly phone support. This is an optional service to support EFT Level two and above participants.


Requested Donation

EFT for Goals and Manifestation workshop



Our Thanks for




*Attending a one-day workshop does not make one ready to start coaching EFT to others.  EFT has no official certification organization. All workshops are intended to teach Gary Craigs EFT as a process to safely apply to oneself and as an outline on how to introduce it to others. All workshops are offered on a requested donation basis. No affiliation is required; however, we do reserve the right to refuse services if needed.

Disclaimer: The information and emotional freedom technique coaching we provide is intended to educate, inform, and inspire you on your personal journey towards optimal health and a happy life. It is clearly not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is definitely not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are under the care of any health professionals (or should be), we strongly encourage you to discuss modifications in your diet, lifestyle, exercise program, nutrition, or use of EFT with them prior to making any changes, and never discontinue or reduce prescription medications without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.

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"EFT offers great healing benefits."

Deepak Chopra, MD
Author, Founder of
The Chopra Center

"EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement."

Candace Pert, PhD
Author of
Molecules of Emotion

Cheryl Richardson endorses EFT

"EFT is destined to be a top healing tool for the 21st Century"
Cheryl Richardson
Author of The Unmistakable Touch of Grace

"I frequently use EFT for my patients with great results."

Eric Robins, MD
Co-author of
Your Hands Can Heal you


"I have taken many self help classes with limited results. My EFT level one workshop with Glen knocked my socks off. My back pain is gone, and my chronic anxiety has not returned. I plan on taking level 2 as soon as possible."

T.K. San Francisco, CA

Read More Testimonies

Contact Information:

Phone: (415) 877-1868

Serving the areas of San Francico, Mill Valley, San Rafael, Novato, Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Berkeley, Oakland, Redwood City, San Jose and Malaysia, Singapore and many more.